Contraposition Vol 3

- Ev Malcolm (Editor), Nathan Rupp (Editor)

Is a mother someone who raises us? Are they lights on a dark road, shelters from the elements, coded transcriptions of hate and love? Is motherhood a narrative, a metaphor or an image? Perhaps this book suggests that motherhood is all of these things, a human experience that defines and is defined by all of us, so essential is our proximity to 'motherness.' Perhaps these works of art are part of that experience and parents to our understanding of it. Edited by Ev Malcolm, Nathan Rupp, Chelsea Renhoff and Patrick Fallon; Layout by Gary Dauphin. Cover art 'Motherhood-ness' by Diana Toma.

Contraposition is a digital and print-based literary magazine. This volume represents a unique selection of poetry, short stories and photography submitted by many talented contributors.

Poetry and Short Fiction by some of America's finest authors.

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